American Staffordshire Terriers
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Professional Presentation of All Breeds...


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Aloha and welcome to my personal home and kennels on the web. My name is Stacia Ohira and I have been involved in the sport of pure bred dogs since I was a little child. My Aunty Amy first started my interest in dogs from as far back as I can remember with  her Best in Show winning German Shepherds and her many other breeds that she ventured into. My spark for the love of show dogs was ignited. That spark turned into a burning passion for the art of professionally presenting show dogs.


My journeys in this art of presenting show dogs  has taken me all over the United States and introduced me to people from all over the country. I have sold dogs to as far as Sweden and as close as home. I lived in California for almost ten years showing dogs and learning more about the different breeds that I present today. My assets that I bring to the world of show dogs is my patience and love that I have for dogs, not too mention my ability to present dogs professionally and effortlessly.
I have also judged many different breed level Sweepstakes including the Northern California American Staffordshire Terrier Regional Specialty Sweepstakes. That is one of my many highlights that I bring to this profession. I have judged numerous Toy breed sweepstakes as well. Such as the Papillon Sweepstakes in Hawaii, and the Chihuahua A Match. I also judged the Kona Coast Kennel Club All Breed Match as well as the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty Sweepstakes.
So please enjoy the many pictures that I have throughout my site and email me with any questions that you might have...and once again welcome to my home/kennel on the web.
Stacia Ohira


This is a picture of my Best In Sweeps and Best Opposite in Sweeps at the Regional Specialty in California...